高山病と闘う天空の街クスコ/ Cusco, a city fighting altitude sickness
古代美的遺跡と現代ボロ建築の街、ルクソールへ/ Luxor, aesthetic ruins and shabby cityscape
留学先での転校!実現への長い道のり/Long way to transfer school
NYと日本のチェリーな関係/ Sakura weaves NY and Japan
関取との席取りバトル/ Battles against a tribe with big butts.
意外と都会!ウユニタウンの衣食住/ Uyuni necessities of life
シェムリアップの上裸な日常 / Daily naked life in Siem Reap
NYのLGBTを肌で感じる/Experiencing LGBT firsthand in NY