Study abroad (The U.S.)
先生も、自由でええやん。/ Even teachers live loosely -
Study abroad (The U.S.)
リョウガクラブ/Dormitory-like Club -
Study abroad (The U.S.)
米国留学初日の洗礼/First day in the U.S. with surprise -
Study abroad (The U.S.)
欧米人ぶつかりがち♪/Bumping culture -
The U.S.
どこまでもアートなニューヨーカーズ/Always artistic NewYorkers -
天空の遺跡と軟禁族? / Temple of Preah Vihear and arresting -
The U.S.
NYのLGBTを肌で感じる/Experiencing LGBT firsthand in NY -
Study abroad (The U.S.)
ドアですら愛情を示す女。/Girls show their love on the door